Thursday 31 December 2015

Christmas Pudding - Pudding de Noel

it's never too late to have our Christmas Pudding !
il n'est jamais trop tard pour avoir notre Pudding de Noel ! 

here's mine, a piece of warm pudding and some hot Custard ! (Custard is one of my favorite things when it's Christmas ; or even when it isn't Christmas) 
voilà le miens, un morceau de Pudding tiède et du Custard chaud ! (le Custard est une de mes choses préférés quand c'est Noel ; où même autre que Noel)


  1. I didn't know you liked custard that much - there's a tub of custard powder in the cupboard that never gets used !

    1. Well, I didn't know that ! I'd eat every CHristmas Pudding in the house if you made that custard...

  2. now you can see why my tummy is so large,too many christmas puddings!!
